miercuri, 22 iunie 2011

Serban Pitic and David Moscovici part of faculty at World Schools Debating Academy 2011, Slovenia

The two ARGO trainers are going to be teaching at the World Schools Debating Academy in Slovenia 2011, between 2nd and 10th of July.

The event is the largest World Schools Style training event in the world, with over 120 participants from across the world, both debaters, club trainers and teachers.

The Academy is organised by ZIP Slovenia and the World Debate Insititute of the University of Vermont. It encopases a 5 -day intense debate training for students , teachers and coaches, comprising of lectures, exercises and practice debate sessions. The training sessions are followed by a 2 day international tournament that will put the skills learnt to practice.

Renown international trainers that have been and will be part of the Academy's faculty include: Alfred C. Snider, professor at the University of Vermont, director of the World Debate Institute, Bojana Skrt, Director of ZIP (Slovenian National Debate Association), G. Rhydian Morgan, renown international trainer, life-time member of the Oxford Union, Stephen Boyle, renown international judge and WUDC finalist, Filip Dobranic, WSDC EFL best speaker and champion, Anna England Kerr, WSDC EFL champion, Monica Sobocan, WSDC ESL Champion, Zan Zveplan, WSDC ESL champion and many other great debate trainers and coaches.

For details on the WSDA check out the website: http://debateacademy.net/Debate_Academy/WSDA_Slovenia.html

We are very proud to contribute to this amazing educational project and hope for great results at this year's Academy in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.

sâmbătă, 4 iunie 2011

Black Sea Open Comes to a Close!

Competitia de dezbateri, co-organizata de clubul de dezbateri academice Socrates Contanta si ARGO, in parteneriat cu ARDOR Muntenia s-a terminat lasand in urma distractie si dezbateri bune.
Competitia a fost castigata de catre o echipa formata din Denisa Neamtiu, Mihai Morar si Mihaela Mirel, din Cluj.

Finalisti au fost echipa Chrome Banat, iar ca semi-finalisti s-au clasat echipele Lazar 1 si  Central Blonde Elves.

Locul 1 in clasamentul individual a fost castigat de catre Denisa Neamtiu din Cluj.

ARGO a participat cu 2 echipe la competitie. Cele doua echipe ne-au reprezentat onorabil la competitie clasandu-se in prima jumatate a turneului. Evelyn Mantoiu a intrat in Top 10 vorbitori ai competitiei. We are very proud of them :)

Multumiri speciale lui Theodor Moise, care a fost insotitorul si coach-ul echipelor ARGO.

Multumiri clubului de dezbateri academice Socrates, domnei profesoare Carmen Florescu, echipei foarte harnice de voluntari.

Sa ne vedem la mare si la anul!