marți, 26 aprilie 2011

Black Sea Open

ARGO a acceptat cu placere invitatia CDOR Socrates de a coordona aspectele tehnice "de debate" ale turneului Black Sea Open, care va avea loc in Constanta, la Colegiul National Pedagogic "Constantin Bratescu", in perioada 20-22 mai 2011.

Echipa ARGO la Black Sea Open va fi condusa de Eveline Dicu (Chief Adjudicator) si Serban Pitic (Assistant Chief Adjudicator). Cei doi, alaturi de alti membri ARGO vor coordona arbitrajul, buna desfasurare a dezbaterilor, vor asigura motiuni de o calitate cat mai buna, respectarea regulilor formatului WS si regulilor de bun simt in dezbateri.

Openul va face parte din seria de open-uri oficiale pentru cluburile din reteaua ARDOR Muntenia.

Echipa ARGO a contribuit desigur si cu expertiza in ceea ce priveste organizarea unui turneu important de dezbateri.

Echipa de organizarea de la Socrates, Constanta a muncit si munceste din greu pentru a asigura cele mai bune conditii pentru participanti.  Pentru noi este o placere colaborarea cu ei si suntem convisi ca impreuna vom da un open de deabate desavarsit.

miercuri, 20 aprilie 2011

Two ARGO Debaters make the National Team for IDEA Youth Forum 2011

Teodor Sovaiala Ionescu and Laura Gheorghe, both part of the ARGO Sophomores programme  have been selected to the Romanian National Team for the IDEA Youth Forum, Karl Popper Debating Championship 2011 that will be held in Instanbul, Turkey from the 19th of July to the 1st of August.

They will be part of the team along with Radu Bitu, from AES Ploiesti and will be coached by Bianca Dragomir.

We are very proud of our debaters and wish the team the best of luck in the KPDC and to have a great time , learn useful and interesting things and come back to share with the rest of us:)

marți, 19 aprilie 2011

ARGO Debater @ Economy Works

Catalina Diaconeasa one our most active ARGO Sophomores managed to win 2 out of 3 modules of the online essay contest Economy Works, organised by SoLib. Prizes for each module were of 100$ in cash.

By winning Catalina made it to the contest's final in Bucharest, along with 8 other high-school students, where she presented her work, in English, in front of a jury composed of economics professors and think thank executives.

The conference consisted of a number of activities, including a practice debate session on economic issues organised by ARGO trainers David Moscovici and Serban Pitic.

We extent our sincere congratulations to Catalina, to the organisers and all the very intelligent and tallented young people that participated.

joi, 14 aprilie 2011

ARGO@Meeting the Great Debaters Final, Cluj

 Last weekend in Cluj was organised what in our opinion was the most important, well organised and high-level Universities Debating Tournament in Romania for some time now.

 ARGO was represented by Eveline Dicu and David Moscovici (team ASE Bucharest A) and Serban Pitic, debating along Radu Tiganas from Central Debate Bucharest (team UNATC-UNT Bucharest A).

Serban and Radu made it as finalsits and Eveline and David made it to the semi-finals. All three ARGO Debaters  made the top 10 speaker list, Serban Pitic being awarded the 3rd rank in the tournament.

 The tournamet was held in english, in Worlds Format (BP) and was honoured by the participation of 4 great Oxford Union debate judges: Johnathan Leader Maynard, Lizzie Bauer, David Whatson and Neil Dewar that judged debates alongside experienced Romanian judges such as: Emi Beteringhe, Radu Stoita and Anca Pascu.

Congrats to the our friends Petru Seicaru and Laur Balasa, the winners of the tournament. Also congrats to Flavia and Sorina for making the finals and the top 10 Speaker List:) And the great photos.

 Organised very well, with great venues, acoomodation and terrific party-ing. We had a great time and would like to express many thanks to Emil Mesaros and ARDOR Transilvania for organising a great event, to all the people involved (volunteers, BBU Staff), to the great teams at the tournament and our friendly adjudicators:)