duminică, 21 februarie 2010

ARGO WSDC Delegation Welcomed Home

Yesterday, in the Festivity Hall of CNMV, the ARGO debaters part of the Romanian National Team just back from Qatar, were given a grand welcome by ARGO debaters and trainers. In exchange for our little pleasantry, Evy, Lola and Catalin offered us a great Demo Debate. They debated against David, Serban and Nae on the WSDC Final Resolution: " This House would never bail out big companies ".

The audiance was impressed and a lot of fun and useful memories of the WSDC were shared.

luni, 15 februarie 2010

Romania scores 5 wins out of 8 at the WSDC

Romania achived one of the best if not the best result in it's history at the World Schools Debating Championship, comparable only to that of the 2005 WSDC in Canada.

Romania is 23rd out of almost 60 teams.Romania won 5 out of the 8 preliminary rounds of the Championship.

The team composed of Eveline Dicu, Raluca Pasare, Dragos Ghita, Radu Valeanu and Catalin Barbu, and coached by Ms. Alexandra Neacsu has done great pride to Romanian Debating by showing once again that we are a powerful player on the global deabating scene.

For details about the results check : http://globaldebateblog.blogspot.com

duminică, 14 februarie 2010

Workshop on Economy and Economics with the ARGO Freshmen

This week the ARGO Freshmen posed some difficult and very interesting questions on the core issues of the modern economy. We've tackled issues like the monetary system, monopolies, fair competition practices, technical innovation and its influence on future economy and whats fair or unfair in a modern economy.

miercuri, 10 februarie 2010

Romania at the 2010 WSDC Qatar

Sunday on the 7 th of February, the Romanian National Team for the 2010 WSDC left for Qatar. The team is composed of 5 people Eveline Dicu, Raluca Pasare and Catalin Radu Barbu, from ARGO, students at CNMV Ploiesti, Dragos Ghita, from AES, student at CNMV Ploiesti and Radu Valeanu, from CDAIS (Iasi), student at Colegiul National "Emil Racovita" Iasi, and is being coached by Alexandra Neacsu. Romania's official judge to the WSDC is Mrs. Simona Mazilu. We all know and love them and we should cheer for them. Update your YM status and show them your support, go online on Facebook (http://www.facebook .com/group. php?gid=47016259 5415&ref= mf), become a member of their group and show them your cheering and stuff like that :D.

Right now they're getting ready for the first round of the championship which will take place today. They've been working arround the clock in the past months prepairing for a the challange that is a high school debaters greatest. The quality of their debates and debating skills are a great example for all of us and a huge kudos for them.

For more details on the 2010 WSDC : http://www.schoolsd ebate.com and http://www.wsdc2010 qatar.com/.

Here are some videos and images from previous WSDCs: http://www.youtube. com/watch? v=IoQ0Z00G5zo, http://video. google.ro/ videoplay? docid=8516998176 439721446&ei=ih1xS5zRI6Le2wKv 4aHdBg&q=2009+WSDC&hl=ro&client=firefox- a#, http://video. google.ro/ videoplay? docid=2114489137 963293139&hl=ro&emb=1#

This House believes that direct democracy is better than representative democracy

The ARGO Freshmen have debated last weekend on an interesting topic that puts social structures in question and puts their developing debating skills to the test. The results were thrilling.
The debates have shown fresh and bold ideas about acountabillity, legal stability and active citizenship.

After this experience we have no doubt that our debaters are prepaired to pick up the difficult cups that competitive debating will have in stall for them.

Bravo and keep up the good work guys !